- O’Connell Street went through a couple of names before it was named after “The Liberator” Daniel O’Connell. It was known as Drogheda Street in the 17th century, named after the Earl of Drogheda, then renamed Sackville Street after Lionel Sackville, the 1st Duke of Dorset until 1924 when it was renamed after Daniel O’ Connell.
- The Spire located in the centre of O’Connell Street measures 121 metres in height which is a lot higher than the former monument that resided there - Nelson’s Pillar - which was only 41 metres in height.
- O’Connell Street is one of the most important locations of Irelands history. It was the stage for the Dublin Lockouts in 1913, the 1916 Rising, the Irish Civil War of 1922 and finally the destruction of Nelson’s Pillar in 1966.
- The statue of Daniel O’Connell at the end of O’Connell Street near the Bridge was designed by John Henry Foley, an Irish sculptor. It was unveiled to the public in 1882.